Director Susan Seidelman...

Here is a list of other movies and tv shows Susan has directed...
"The Electric Company" (2009) TV series (unknown episodes, 2009)
The Boynton Beach Bereavement Club (2005)
... aka Boynton Beach Club (USA: new title)
"Stella" (2 episodes, 2005)
- Paper Route (2005) TV episode
- Office Party (2005) TV episode
The Ranch (2004) (TV)
Power and Beauty (2002) (TV)
Gaudi Afternoon (2001)
... aka Tardes de GaudĂ (Spain)
"Now and Again" (1999) TV series (unknown episodes)
A Cooler Climate (1999) (TV)
"Sex and the City" (3 episodes, 1998)
- The Baby Shower (1998) TV episode
- The Power of Female Sex (1998) TV episode
- Sex and the City (1998) TV episode
"Early Edition" (1 episode, 1996)
- Thief Swipes Mayor's Dog (1996) TV episode
Tales of Erotica (1996) (segment "Dutch Master, The")
... aka Erotic Tales
The Barefoot Executive (1995) (TV)
The Dutch Master (1994)
... aka Der flämische Meister (Germany)
Confessions of a Suburban Girl (1992)
... aka Paradise Paved
She-Devil (1989)
Cookie (1989)
Making Mr. Right (1987)
Desperately Seeking Susan (1985)
Smithereens (1982)

Hi Scrappy. I came across your website and was surprised to see these old photos of me. Where did you get them? -- just curious.
Hi Susan...How are you? I found your pictures while I was searching for DSS related photo's. I used the Yahoo/Google search engines and typed in keywords such as DSS, Madonna 1980's, Danceteria, Love Saves The Day, and of course Susan Seidelman. After that I just clicked on the image tab and found the photo's. I don't know which sites the 1st and 3rd came from though.... several sites had the same pics. I believe I found the 2nd photo on Ebay.If you would like me to remove the photo's with you in them I'd be more than happy to. Also, I do hope you enjoy the site. Thanks for giving us DSS as well as the many other wonderful films! --Scrappy
ReplyDeleteScrappy -- No problem, you can leave the photos up -- they brought back old memories. I was just curious where you found them.
ReplyDeleteThought you might be interested to know that our first day of filming was 25 years ago -- August 20, 1984. And the very first scene we shot was the one on St. Marks Street where Madonna sees the newspaper announcing the murder in Atlantic City and the missing earrings.
I enjoy the site. Thanks.
WOW!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing that info. Thats so cool to hear that was the first scene shot. I must admit when I was younger I didn't know that movies were shot out of sequence. It just never occured to me that filming was done that way. I just assumed that the first scene in the movie was the first scene filmed. And so on etc. Needless to say that rocked my little Cape May New Jersey world. LOL!!! Also, thanks for the o.k. for the pictures being able to stay up. I appreciate it! Have a great day, Scrappy.
ReplyDeleteActually my name is Robert shafran-I'm one of those tripletts that Susan stopped her shooting for and invited impromptu to be shot in her film---would love to have that shot of my brothers and I in a format that I could make into a poster---"...Susan Siedleman shows shuch foresight in her film about duality that she even includes a cameo shot of identical triplets.." Remember that quote Susan? It's okay that every person, extra, creature and fireplug in that movie got a credit excpt us... after all; it was quite impromptu-- any how I would love to get my hands on 3 posters of that shot or a medium from which I can get them---remember U Suasan from the night at Sammy's subsequent to production but prior to release, when we were your waiters and you told us that this was really going to be a major motion picture----who knew it woud be a film that our grandchildren will probably watch---Thanks for the posting Scrappy & best regards Susan-rshafran@aol.com--a print or way of printing that shot would be invaluable---especially if it was captioned-Desperately Seeking Susan 1985, Directed by Susan Seidleman--below, Madonna & the Triplets, Robert Shafran, Eddy Galland & David Kellman--thanks in advance- I can be reached @ 917-306-2975